Friday, July 10, 2009


Wow, who does she think she is?

Normally, I would be giving this book a full review at but since I generally review things I find worthwhile, I'm gonna pass on this tome for the site.
But, I will say here that when an author builds an entire book around the premise that a pop singer-Joni Mitchell-made one of the "greatest albums" of the genre by "confessing" her private life and thoughts, then that writer has one hell of a lot of splainin' about it, to do.
And even though Michelle Mercer gives it the old college try, I could not help but feel that she
really does not have that much to say, or explain, about Mitchell, other than she thinks the singer/songwriter was/is a genius, etc., etc., etc.
In fact, Mercer's thesis that Mitchell is at her best a "confessional" writer is not even fully endorsed by the singer herself, and it ends up seeming like Mercer is obsessed with Mitchell's "Blue Period," of which Blue is bluest.
In fact, I was reminded of John Lennon explaining over and over-and over-again that just because the listener had felt, or believed certain things about a certain song he had written or performed did not translate directly to the writer/singers original intent.
And Mercer spends a good many pages apologizing for Mitchell's notoriously quirky relationship with the press, and closes the book with pages of "positive" utterances from Joni, collected through the years.
But that is after Mercer quotes Mitchell as calling Jackson Browne a "phony," who doesn't really care about all the deep emoting he writes (about).
Joni Mitchell wrote and sang some fine songs-Woodstock among the best-yet I'd wager Browne, on balance, would be viewed as the superior artist, "phony," or whatever.
Because in the end-and this is what many rock critics/analyzers fail to appreciate, the music is the thing, and the rest is just really nothing. Or at best, nothing much.

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