Sunday, May 24, 2009


Whoooaaaa mama!!!!!

Up here in the vast, expansive, expensive Great White Socialist North AKA Kanuckistan, we do so like to read, as there is 3.69 metres of snow on the ground for 9 months, preventing much picnicking, or even much else.
But, after the golden age of North American rock reporting-Cream, Crawdaddy, the old Rolling Stone- sort of fell apart by the late 80s and we were left with naught but new Rolling Stone, which became more about style and bloody politics, than music.
Oh sure, a few of the la(r)ger settlements in Kanuckistan did stock a few copies of NME, Melody Maker, or even Record Collector, and the US Goldmine, but your average colonial commoner was hard pressed to find any of that magnificent music pulp in say, a shit-hole like Hamilton-incredibly, noted on the map-within the greater provincial Ontario protectorates
'owever, mate, by the early 90s, the odd newspaper and mag shoppe started to carry something called UNCUT, and then MOJO, glossy periodicals with gratis CDs
These two magazines really blew a classic rock-and other-music lover's mind, and they both have been regular visitors to my eyes and dustbin ever since.
Not many peeps bother to purchase Rolling Stone in the flesh no mo, because, among other good reasons, the whole bloody thin exsists for free, online.
But the UK music manifestos are not to be found on the WWW, and so will set one back about $15 Kanuck bucks-bleedin' taxes all in-if one wants to join the party.
And wot a party!
Case in point is the June 2009 ish of UNCUT, with Bruce the Boss on the cover, pointin' roight back at ya.
Now the BS feature is brilliant-a piece by band mate and lifelong buddy Little Steven-the real cool feature this month is a huge fold-out Bob Dylan accross America poster/map. (Click on the above left scan for all the info.)
Of all the good gimmicks UNCUT has provided as added value through the years, this Dylan map has got to be the best bees knees of 'em all.
I strongly urge all Dylanologists to seek it out.

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