Thursday, March 11, 2010


Here yesterday; gone today

This wanking rant is certainly not just directed at David Bowie's current record company, EMI-although they are perhaps the wankingsest of the wank-but why, oh why, do they all have to be such incorrigible, weasley wankers?

Courtesy of my anal retentive independent record/CD peddler who
boarders on a candidate for the TV show Hoarders, I have upon this fine day (re)acquired-sold me first one when short of brass-a sealed copy of Bowie's 30th Anny Ziggy Stardust double CD from
It is a beginner's absolute delicious package, with remastered version of the original Ziggy LP, plus, a second disc of 5 of the Ziggy tracks in alternate and demo form, plus 7 other unreleased and very worthy rarities.
And to make it even tastier, there is a terrific 40 page booklet housed in the mini-book-style digi-pack.
The booklet, with many unseen and/or rare shot of Bowie et al circa Ziggy, features a very insightful essay by David Buckley who
(probably correctly) writes that Ziggy was "the first post-modern pop record," due to the "nifty deceit" Bowie fashioned for Ziggy, as a stand-in for himself.
So, given all this and that, why the bloody 'ell is this package
presently commercially unavailable?
Good question; I'm quite sure that there is some bizarre, Byzantine answer as to why, but I'd also reckon it won't be a good one.
SONY/Legacy, which knows a thing or two about deluxe reissues rarely deletes their special two disc offerings, probably due to good due diligence
and a dash of common sense.
Yet in this case, EMI seems to jettisoned a viable package, whilst at the same
time repacking lots of other Bowie stuff that although not up to the standard
of this Ziggy, is still readily available.
It's bollocks, but why is it that record companies-and EMI did it with the Beatles Mono Box CD set, only delivering minuscule numbers when first released, while now stores can't give it away, even discounted heavily-get good product and then seem to consciously sabotage the fookin' thing?
The only semi-logical explanation would be a plan to put out a 4oth Anniversary Ziggy Stardust, with maybe a few extra bon-bons, and hard-core music fans/collectors like silly moi will buy it again.
If the above is the case, the corporate bastards best better hurry it up because many of us who were old enough to live through Ziggy are no longer young, and dumb(er).

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